Our school promotes our 'Central Rules' values program that enhances social development of the individual within our school culture and wider community.
We focus on the elaborations of the RULES acronym so that students have a clear understanding of the meaning of each letter, and how it can be applied in everyday learning. Lessons are conducted by a specialist Behaviour Management Teacher, so that a consistent delivery of the lessons is conducted across all year levels.
Our 'Central Rules' war cry is recited daily on parade, and special assemblies and in-class activities are conducted to demonstrate the key components of each theme.
Our statement of purpose
'Working together to ensure that, every day, in every classroom, every student is learning and achieving'.
Storm warnings
The following procedures are in place if a severe storm hits at 3pm. Parents are requested to collect their children from the classroom on or before 3pm.
Students who normally walk or ride will be encouraged to wait at school until the storm passes. Normal procedures will be followed for students travelling on buses.