An itinerant Guidance officer provides the guidance and counselling service at Warwick Central State School. This service is available all day each Tuesday. A direct counselling service is available to students who are referred by parents, caregivers and teachers. The guidance officer works with other school support staff and will liaise with outside education and training, health and welfare groups on a regular basis.
The guidance and counselling service provides:
- educational support for developmental issues e.g. diagnostic psychological assessment, academic strategies and recommendations
- support for behaviour/s in the classroom, etc.
Support for social issues e.g. family concerns, peer issues, social skilling, grief and loss, stress, and matters which appear to be impeding satisfactory progress through school with external referral if necessary.
The school determines how the Guidance officer’s support is used within the school. Contact is arranged directly through the
school office.
Confidentiality is maintained and highly respected, except when a student is in danger of harm from self or others or a danger to others.